Hosting prices


Why host with us?

Packages and Prices

Client sites


Basic Web Site - Advanced Web Site - Hosting Options - FTP Site

Please note:

  • All Web and FTP site hosting is carried out in accordance with our Site Hosting Agreement.
  • Prices quoted on this site are in New Zealand dollars unless otherwise stated -- in most cases, approximate US dollar prices are given alongside in parentheses.
  • New Zealand residents should add 12.5% GST to all prices.

Basic Web Site

This package includes:

  • Storage of up to 1MB of Web pages and support files
  • Up to 1GB of Internet data transfer
  • Standard server configuration for your site, including provision of private FTP access for site creation and updates
  • A free registered copy of our WebQueue site management utility, pre-configured to work with your site
  • Free use by you or your site developer of our standard automation services

Setup Cost: $240 ($US100)
Monthly Cost: $85 ($US35)

You can also select one or more of the Options noted below if required.

Advanced Web Site

This package includes the items noted for the Basic Web site above, plus the following Options:

  • Storage of up to 5MB of Web pages and support files
  • Up to 1GB of Internet data transfer
  • Seven-day-a-week, 24-hour monitoring of a nominated page on your site (a service provided by our SPIS Webwatch application). You will be automatically emailed if your site is ever unavailable or "down" when Webwatch checks it
     An application "slot" for one WebHub site automation program (WebHub is the advanced site automation framework which we use for our standard site services, as well as most of the highly-automated sites and Web page generators we create)
     Microsoft FrontPage server extensions installed for your site's maintenance

     The ability to run your own well-behaved Web automation application approved by SPIS

Setup Cost: $350 ($US150)
Monthly Cost: $180 ($US90)

Hosting Options

You can choose from one or more of the following options at any time (some are already included in the Advanced Web Site package above):

  • Additional storage (FTP or Web sites): $30 ($US12) per extra MB or part thereof (measured at the start of each month). Volume discounts apply for large sites -- please ask.
  • Additional Internet data transfer (FTP or Web sites): $60 ($US25) per extra GB or part thereof
  • Monthly site log analysis, including the most popular pages and/or downloaded files, how visitors got to your site, visitor country, daily and weekly traffic trends -- $150 ($US75) setup, $30 ($US15) per month
  • Hosting of database-driven applications (contact us with specifics for a price)
  • Seven-day-a-week, 24-hour monitoring of a nominated page on your site -- you will be automatically emailed if your site is ever unavailable or "down" when our SPIS Webwatch site monitor checks it -- $50 ($US25) setup, $6 ($US3) per month
  • As above, but with pager notification to SPIS staff, who will take remedial action within 30 minutes $150 ($US75) setup, $20 ($US10) per month
  • Use of our secure server, including private FTP access to a directory for storing secure forms on the server -- $150 ($US75) setup, $10 ($US5) per month
  • Domain management -- we will manage your master domain record, pointing it at the Web site for web access, and at your local ISP for email. One time setup cost: $150 ($US75), changes at normal administrative rates (see below).
  • Additional administration or setup requests -- $180 ($US90) per hour, minimum $40 ($US20) unless waived
  • Web site design, for static, automated or fully dynamic Web sites
  • Custom site automation for electronic commerce, online databases or search engines

FTP Site

This package includes:

  • 1 GB of data transfer
  • Storage of up to 5MB of files
  • Public FTP site (at
  • Private read/write FTP access to your directories to permit updates

Setup Cost: $150 ($US65)
Monthly Cost: $50 ($US20)